
This is a set of reproducible examples for the R1 Hmisc package2, put together in an rmarkdown notebook using RStudio and knitr. When viewing the resulting html file you can see all the code, and can download the entire rmarkdown script, which is especially helpful for seeing how knitr chunks are specified. Graphics that have a plotly method for them are rendered using plotly instead of using defaults such as base graphics, lattice, or ggplot2. That way the plots are somewhat interactive, e.g., allow for drill-down for more information without the viewer needing to install R.

Much of the tabular output produced here was created using html methods, which are especially easy to implement with rmarkdown and make for output that can be directly opened using word processors. Jump to Computing Environment for a list of packages used here, and their version numbers.


knitrSet(lang='markdown', h=4.5, fig.path='png/', fig.align='left')  # + sometimes ,cache=TRUE
# knitrSet redirects all messages to messages.txt
options(grType='plotly') # for certain graphics functions
mu <- markupSpecs$html   # markupSpecs is in Hmisc
cap  <- mu$cap           # function to output html caption
lcap <- mu$lcap          # for continuation for long caption
# These last 2 functions are used by the putHfig function in Hmisc

The following (r mu$styles()) defines HTML styles and javascript functions, such as ffig, smg and the function for expanding and collapsing text as done by the expcoll function.

Here is an example using expcoll. Click on the down arrow to expand; it turns to an up arrow which can be clicked to contract.

Example table

Fetching Data, Modifying Variables, and Printing Data Dictionary

The getHdata function is used to fetch a dataset from the Vanderbilt DataSets web site. upData is used to

  • create a new variable from an old one
  • add labels to 2 variables
  • add units to the new variable
  • remove the old variable
  • automatically move units of measurements from parenthetical expressions in labels to separate units attributed used by Hmisc and rms functions for table making and graphics

contents is used to print a data dictionary, run through an html method for nicer output. Information about the data source may be found here.


# Have upData move units from labels to separate attribute
pbc <- upData(pbc,
              fu.yrs = fu.days / 365.25,
              labels = c(fu.yrs = 'Follow-up Time',
                         status = 'Death or Liver Transplantation'),
              units = c(fu.yrs = 'year'),
              drop  = 'fu.days',
              moveUnits=TRUE, html=TRUE)
Input object size:   76592 bytes;    19 variables    418 observations
 Label for bili changed from Serum Bilirubin (mg/dl) to Serum Bilirubin 
    units set to mg/dl 
 Label for albumin changed from Albumin (gm/dl) to Albumin 
    units set to gm/dl 
 Label for protime changed from Prothrombin Time (sec.) to Prothrombin Time 
    units set to sec. 
 Label for alk.phos changed from Alkaline Phosphatase (U/liter) to Alkaline Phosphatase 
    units set to U/liter 
 Label for sgot changed from SGOT (U/ml) to SGOT 
    units set to U/ml 
 Label for chol changed from Cholesterol (mg/dl) to Cholesterol 
    units set to mg/dl 
 Label for trig changed from Triglycerides (mg/dl) to Triglycerides 
    units set to mg/dl 
 Label for platelet changed from Platelets (per cm^3/1000) to Platelets 
    units set to per cm^3/1000 
 Label for copper changed from Urine Copper (ug/day) to Urine Copper 
    units set to ug/day 
 Added variable     fu.yrs
 Dropped variable   fu.days
 New object size:   80224 bytes;    19 variables    418 observations
# The following can also be done by running this command
# to put the results in a new browser tab:
# getHdata(pbc, 'contents')
html(contents(pbc), maxlevels=10, levelType='table')

Data frame:pbc

418 observations and 19 variables, maximum # NAs:136  
biliSerum Bilirubinmg/dldouble 0
albuminAlbumingm/dldouble 0
stageHistologic Stage, Ludwig Criteriainteger 6
protimeProthrombin Timesec.double 2
sex2integer 0
ageAgedouble 0
alk.phosAlkaline PhosphataseU/literdouble106
plateletPlateletsper cm^3/1000integer110
drug3integer 0
statusDeath or Liver Transplantationinteger 0
edema3integer 0
copperUrine Copperug/dayinteger108
fu.yrsFollow-up Timeyeardouble 0

spiders, hepatomabsent
not randomized
edemano edema
edema, no diuretic therapy
edema despite diuretic therapy

Descriptive Statistics Without Stratification

The html method is used for the describe function, and the output is put in a scrollable box. Other than for the overall title and variable names and labels, the output size used here is 80 (0.8 × the usual font size1). But the graphical display of the descriptives statistics that follows this is probably better.

# did have results='asis' above
d <- describe(pbc)
html(d, size=80, scroll=TRUE)

19 Variables   418 Observations

bili: Serum Bilirubin mg/dl
4180980.9983.2213.742 0.50 0.60 0.80 1.40 3.40 8.0314.00
lowest : 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 , highest: 21.6 22.5 24.5 25.5 28.0
albumin: Albumin gm/dl
lowest : 1.96 2.10 2.23 2.27 2.31 , highest: 4.30 4.38 4.40 4.52 4.64
stage: Histologic Stage, Ludwig Criteria
 Value          1     2     3     4
 Frequency     21    92   155   144
 Proportion 0.051 0.223 0.376 0.350

protime: Prothrombin Time sec.
4162480.99810.731.029 9.60 9.8010.0010.6011.1012.0012.45
lowest : 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 , highest: 13.8 14.1 15.2 17.1 18.0
 Value        male female
 Frequency      44    374
 Proportion  0.105  0.895

age: Age
lowest : 26.27789 28.88433 29.55510 30.27515 30.57358 , highest: 74.52430 75.00000 75.01164 76.70910 78.43943
 Value       absent present
 Frequency      222      90
 Proportion   0.712   0.288

 Value       absent present
 Frequency      152     160
 Proportion   0.487   0.513

 Value       absent present
 Frequency      288      24
 Proportion   0.923   0.077

alk.phos: Alkaline Phosphatase U/liter
312106295119831760 599.6 663.0 871.51259.01980.03826.46669.9
lowest : 289.0 310.0 369.0 377.0 414.0 , highest: 11046.6 11320.2 11552.0 12258.8 13862.4
sgot: SGOT U/ml
3121061791122.660.45 54.25 60.45 80.60114.70151.90196.47219.25
lowest : 26.35 28.38 41.85 43.40 45.00 , highest: 288.00 299.15 328.60 338.00 457.25
chol: Cholesterol mg/dl
lowest : 120 127 132 149 151 , highest: 1336 1480 1600 1712 1775
trig: Triglycerides mg/dl
2821361461124.764.07 56.00 63.10 84.25108.00151.00195.00230.95
lowest : 33 44 46 49 50 , highest: 319 322 382 432 598
platelet: Platelets per cm3/1000
lowest : 62 70 71 79 80 , highest: 493 514 518 539 563
 Value      D-penicillamine         placebo  not randomized
 Frequency              154             158             106
 Proportion           0.368           0.378           0.254

status: Death or Liver Transplantation

 Value                            no edema     edema, no diuretic therapy
 Frequency                             354                             44
 Proportion                          0.847                          0.105
 Value      edema despite diuretic therapy
 Frequency                              20
 Proportion                          0.048

copper: Urine Copper ug/day
310108158197.6583.16 17.45 24.00 41.25 73.00123.00208.10249.20
lowest : 4 9 10 11 12 , highest: 412 444 464 558 588
fu.yrs: Follow-up Time year
418039915.2513.429 0.671 1.661 2.992 4.736 7.155 9.64911.063
lowest : 0.1122519 0.1177276 0.1396304 0.1943874 0.2108145

# prList is in Hmisc; useful for plotting or printing a list of objects
# Can just use plot(d) if don't care about the mess
# If using html output these 2 images would not be rendered no matter what
p <- plot(d)
# The option htmlfig=2 causes markupSpecs$html$cap() to be used to
# HTML-typeset as a figure caption and to put the sub-sub section
# marker ### in front of the caption.  htmlfig is the only reason
# results='asis' was needed in the chunk header
# We define a long caption for one of the plots, which does not appear
# in the table of contents
# prList works for html notebooks but not html documents
# prList(p, lcap=c('', 'These are spike histograms'), htmlfig=2)

You can also re-form multiple plotly graphs into a single HTML object. Here we use the putHfig function to render the result, with a caption and a short caption for the table of contents. This approach requires you to put results=‘asis’ in the chunk header. By default putHfig puts a horizontal line before the caption and figure.

putHcap('This used the <code>htmltools tagList</code> function.',
        scap='Two <code>plotly</code> graphics combined into one')

Two plotly graphics combined into one

This used the htmltools tagList function.

htmltools::tagList(p)    # lapply(p, plotly::as.widget)

You can also create figure captions outside of R code by using the smg, fcap HTML tags defined in markupSpecs. The long caption not appearing in the table of contents will be in a separate line without ###.

Stratified Descriptive Statistics

Produce stratified quantiles, means/SD, and proportions by treatment group. Plot the results before rendering as an advanced html table:

  • categorical variables: a single dot chart
  • continuous variables: a series of extended box plots
s <- summaryM(bili + albumin + stage + protime + sex + age + spiders +
              alk.phos + sgot + chol ~ drug, data=pbc,
                            overall=FALSE, test=TRUE)
putHcap('Proportions and', mu$chisq(), 'tests for categorical variables')

Proportions and χ2 tests for categorical variables

plot(s, which='categorical')

To construct the caption outside of the code chunk use e.g. ### r cap(‘Proportions and’, mu$chisq(), ‘tests for categorical variables’) where a backtick is placed before r and after the last ).

putHcap('Extended box plots for the first 4 continuous variables')

Extended box plots for the first 4 continuous variables

plot(s, which='continuous', vars=1 : 4)
putHcap('Extended box plots for the remaining continuous variables')

Extended box plots for the remaining continuous variables

plot(s, which='continuous', vars=5 : 7)
html(s, caption='Baseline characteristics by randomized treatment',
     exclude1=TRUE, npct='both', digits=3,
     prmsd=TRUE, brmsd=TRUE, msdsize=mu$smaller2)

Baseline characteristics by randomized treatment.
not randomized
Test Statistic
Serum Bilirubin
418 0.725 1.300 3.600
3.649 ± 5.282
0.800 1.400 3.200
2.873 ± 3.629
0.725 1.400 3.075
3.117 ± 4.043
F2 415=0.03, P=0.9721
418 3.342 3.545 3.777
3.524 ± 0.396
3.212 3.565 3.830
3.516 ± 0.443
3.125 3.470 3.720
3.431 ± 0.435
F2 415=2.13, P=0.121
Histologic Stage, Ludwig Criteria : 1 412 0.03 4154 0.08 12158 0.05 5100 χ26=5.33, P=0.5022
  2 0.21 32154 0.22 35158 0.25 25100
  3 0.42 64154 0.35 56158 0.35 35100
  4 0.35 54154 0.35 55158 0.35 35100
Prothrombin Time
416 10.000 10.600 11.400
10.800 ±  1.138
10.025 10.600 11.000
10.653 ±  0.851
10.100 10.600 11.000
10.750 ±  1.078
F2 413=0.23, P=0.7951
sex : female 418 0.90 139154 0.87 137158 0.92 98106 χ22=2.38, P=0.3042
Age 418 41.43 48.11 55.80
48.58 ±  9.96
42.98 51.93 58.90
51.42 ± 11.01
46.00 53.00 61.00
52.87 ±  9.78
F2 415=6.1, P=0.0021
spiders 312 0.29 45154 0.28 45158 χ21=0.02, P=0.8852
Alkaline Phosphatase
312 922 1283 1950
1943 ± 2102
841 1214 2028
2021 ± 2183
F1 310=0.06, P=0.8123
312 83.8 117.4 151.9
125.0 ±  58.9
76.7 111.6 151.5
120.2 ±  54.5
F1 310=0.55, P=0.463
284 254 304 377
374 ± 252
248 316 417
365 ± 210
F1 282=0.37, P=0.5453
a b c represent the lower quartile a, the median b, and the upper quartile c for continuous variables. x ± s represents X ± 1 SD.   N is the number of non-missing values.
Tests used: 1Kruskal-Wallis test; 2Pearson test; 3Wilcoxon test .
Now show almost the full raw data for one continuous variable stratified by treatment. This display spike histograms using at most 100 bins, and also shows the mean and quantiles similar to what is in an extended box plot: 0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95. Measures of spread are also shown if the user clicks on their legend entries: Gini’s mean difference (mean absolute difference between any two values) and the SD. These can be seen as horizontal lines up against the minimum x-value.

putHcap("Spike histograms, means, quantiles, Gini's mean difference, and SD stratified by treatment",
       scap="Stratified spike histograms and quantiles")

Stratified spike histograms and quantiles

Spike histograms, means, quantiles, Gini’s mean difference, and SD stratified by treatment

with(pbc, histboxp(x=sgot, group=drug, sd=TRUE))

The following is a better way to display proportions, for categorical variables. If computing marginal statistics by running the dataset through the Hmisc addMarginal function, the plot method with options(grType='plotly') is especially useful.

pbcm <- addMarginal(pbc, drug)
s <- summaryP(stage + sex + spiders ~ drug, data=pbc)
putHcap('Proportions stratified by treatment')

Proportions stratified by treatment

plot(s, groups='drug')
s <- summaryP(stage + sex + spiders ~ drug, data=pbcm)
putHcap('Proportions (large symbols) and proportions stratified by treatment (small symbols)',
                scap='Proportions with and without stratification by treatment')

Proportions with and without stratification by treatment

Proportions (large symbols) and proportions stratified by treatment (small symbols)

plot(s, marginVal='All', marginLabel='All Treatment Groups')

Better Demonstration of Boxplot Replacement

putHcap("Spike histograms, means, quantiles, Gini's mean difference, and SD for MAP stratified by diagnosis",
       scap="Stratified spike histograms and quantiles for MAP")

Stratified spike histograms and quantiles for MAP

Spike histograms, means, quantiles, Gini’s mean difference, and SD for MAP stratified by diagnosis

with(support2, histboxp(x=meanbp, group=dzgroup, sd=TRUE, bins=200))

Example of Ordinary Figure Captions

As explained in one can place captions under figures using ordinary knitr capabilities, and one can change the size of captions. The following example defines a CSS style to make captions small (here 0.6em), and produces a plot with a caption. Unlike using putHfig this caption does not also appear in the table of contents. However figure captions appear to work only in html reports, not in html notebooks.

# Note: in the chunk header cap is an alias for fig.cap defined by knitrSet
This is a simple figure caption

This is a simple figure caption

Computing Environment2

 R version 3.4.3 (2017-11-30)
 Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
 Running under: Ubuntu 17.10
 Matrix products: default
 BLAS: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/blas/
 LAPACK: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lapack/
 attached base packages:
 [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     
 other attached packages:
 [1] bindrcpp_0.2    Hmisc_4.1-1     ggplot2_2.2.1   Formula_1.2-2  
 [5] survival_2.41-3 lattice_0.20-35
To cite R in publication use:

R Core Team (2017). R: A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria.

Bibliographic File Managament

Find and Install .csl Reference Style Files

# Note: mu was defined in an earlier code chunk
# Only need to install .csl file once.
mu$installcsl(rec=TRUE)   # get list of recommended styles
mu$installcsl()     # web search of styles meeting your criteria
# Install a .csl file to your project directory:

Manage citeulike Bibliographic Databases

In the following code chunk, adding cache=TRUE to the chunk header would result in the code (including the file download) not having to be run each time the report is run. eval=FALSE is set in the code chunk so the code actually isn’t run.

# Show full reference information for selected BibTeX keys on
# your citeulike database
cu <- mu$citeulikeShow
cu('harrelfe', c('cox58reg', 'cox72'))
# Automatically extract all BibTeX keys referenced in this document and
# show full reference information for them
# The function invisibly returns the vector of keys found
cu('harrelfe', file='examples.Rmd')
# Show and optionally export all articles with a given tag
cu('harrelfe', tags='missing-data')
# Copy and rename downloaded references to current project directory
file.copy('~/Downloads/harrelfe-missing-data.bib', 'missing-data.bib',


1. Team RDC. R: A language and environment for statistical computing. Vienna, Austria: R Foundation for Statistical Computing;; 2016.

2. Harrell FE. Hmisc: A package of miscellaneous R functions. 2015.

  1. The default is 75% size.

  2. mu is a copy of the part of the Hmisc package object markupSpecs that is for html. It includes a function session that renders the session environment (including package versions) in html.